XC Tracer Firmware Changelog R01: First regular firmare. R02: Based on R01, but a bug was fixed with the GPS altitude in the IGC file. R03: Based on R02. IGC logger stops now much later, so there is no longer the issue in rare circumstances that the logger stops when the flight speed is very low due to strong head winds. Several small bugs have been fixed, and then there is a watchdog implemented. And finally the sensor data fusion code for the variometer function has been further improved. It is strongly recommended for all customers to update to R03. R04: Based on R03, autoSwitchOff was integrated. When switching on the devicec then it will run for at least 30 minutes. After 30 minutes the code will check if you flying or not. If not then there is an automatic shut down to prevent the unwanted discharge of the battery. Now the data is also sent over USB. This feature was tested on a Kobo using XCSoar and LK8000. New factory settings have been created for the tone settings. These factory settings will be set when you set reset=yes in the config file. R05: Large parts of the code have been rewritten from sratch. Many small improvements and better stability overall, auto correction features implemented in the config file handling. Damping factor for vario can now be set as with the Mini. It's recommended to use R05. R06: Small bug fixed in IGC / KML logger. R07: Small bug fixes, improved overall stability and reliabilty. forwardGPSSentences is no longer present in the config file, is automatically set by the code. R08: Small bug fix in logger, small values of lat and long are now correctly logged.