XC Tracer Mini V Firmware Changelog R01: Initial release. R02: fixed issue with Burnair. Received Fanet / Flarm packets are now forwarded over BLE. R03: GPS reception is no longer necessary to parse radio firmware version. File extension for radio firmware update changed from *.efw to *.fw R04: Name for radio (Fanet) can now get set in the config file. R05: Obstacle warnings integrated. R06: BLE Connectivity Integration. To enable BLE connectivity, please follow these steps: Install XC_Tracer_Mini_V_R06.iap. Then, install XC_Tracer_Mini_V_BLE_240726.bfw. Once this is done you can then create an account at https://my.xctracer.online/. Here you can configure the vario, do firmware updates, update airspaces and download flights. For iOS devices, you will need to install the "Bluefy" app. For all other devices, use Google Chrome to ensure proper functionality. A bug got fixed that could crash the vario when reading the config file at startup. R07: Added security function to BLE connectivity. Now a Maxx II can only get registered to one account. Once a Maxx II is registered to an account then it is only possible to connect this Maxx II over BLE using this account. Deleting the vario from the account will reset this safety feature.